Who we are
About us.
Management team

Rafel Fraile
Founding Partner

Technical Architect from the Polytechnic University School of Barcelona.
Building Engineer from the University of the Balearic Islands.
Professional Project Manager PMP® certified by the PMI® Project Management Institute PMI®.
Certified Passiv House Tradesperson.
Passivhaus Building Platform Partner.

Pedro Taberna
Founding Partner

Technical Architect, Building Engineer, Master in Building Technology and Management, Executive Master BIM Management and Master Business Intelligence & Big Data.
He has worked as a project and BIM implementation leader in large companies, giving him a great global vision of the project and the company.
Responsible for BIM implementation and flow optimisation in companies.
Member of the BIM Euskadi commission.
Lecturer and developer of BIM training content at COAATBI (Official Association of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects of Bizkaia).

Beatriz Santos
Founding Partner

Technical Architect, Building Engineer, Master in Building Technology and Management, Master BIM in Civil Engineering, Infrastructures and GIS.
She is an experienced coordinator of projects and models under BIM methodology, with extensive experience in the implementation of information management methodologies in construction works and projects. She is a native in these methodologies.
Responsible for the management of BIM projects.
Member of the BIM Euskadi commission.
Lecturer and developer of BIM training content at COAATBI (Official Association of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects of Bizkaia).

Mikel Zárate
Founding Partner

Technical Architect, Building Engineer, Executive Master BIM Management.
He has worked managing residential and hotel building works, giving him great experience in construction systems, finding in BIM & LEAN the method and tools that help the sector to optimise all its processes.
BIM responsible for 4D/5D flow control and optimisation.
Member of the BIM Euskadi commission.
Lecturer and developer of BIM training contents at COAATBI (Official Association of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects of Bizkaia).